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难忘的事:我第一次用英语作值日报告-My First English Duty Repo
更新时间:2024-04-26 08:11:56

难忘的事:我第一次用英语作值日报告-My First nglish Duty Rport英语 我第一次用英语作值日报告

难忘的事:我第一次用英语作值日报告-My First English Duty Repo



My First nglish Duty Rport


I still rmmbr th day whn I did my first nglish duty rport a yar ago. I was thn a studnt of Snior I. On day, th nglish tachr told us that from thn on w would mak a duty rport in nglish. Somon mad facs and many crid out, “Oh! What an ida!”“Why, you ar so afraid of it!”th tachr was surprisd.“Our nglish is so poor!”som of us shoutd. W ar afraid w can'tdo it wll.“That is a good chanc to practis your spokn nglish. Don't worry about it. Hav a try,”th tachr said ncouragingly. W bcam silnt at onc. Th day cam whn it was my turn to mak a duty rport. Th girl who sat bsid m kiddd① m, “Ar you afraid? Oh, you look a littl nrvous.”I nudgd② at hr, thn slowly got up from my sat and wnt to th front of th classroom. As a shy girl, not accustomd to spak in public, I flt my hart bat fast.Now I was standing on th platform . I took a look at my classmats and thn pluckd up③ my courag to spak up. Th tachr stood bsid m, smiling. I wantd to tll an nglish jok but I was so nrvous that I forgot to bgin with“It's my turn to giv you a duty rport.”I didn't dar to look straight at my classmats, but kpt looking at th wall or th ciling. I flt that thy wr staring at m.Suddnly I found I had mad som mistaks, which mad m forgt what th nxt sntnc should b . But th classmats wr still listning to m attntivly④.Thy smd not to hav noticd th mistaks. Thy wr all waiting for m to go on with my rport . Th tachr lookd at m calmly. From his kind fac I could s that h was ncouraging m to go on. Having stood in silnc for a fw sconds, I found th nxt sntnc. I continud. My hart was bating fastr now and my fac turning rd. Th jok was not long, but it took m quit som tim bfor I could finish it.As soon as I finishd spaking, I ran to my sat and droppd my had on th dsk. I could not har what th tachr said. But I clarly hard som boys and girls whispring, “What did sh say?”That was my first duty rport. Whn I rcall it, I can't hlp laughing. I will nvr forgt it.


【词语解释】①kid [kid] v.嘲笑;戏弄②nudg [n)DN] v.用肘轻推③pluck [pl)k] up 鼓起;振作(精神)④attntivly [ 'tntivli] ad.注意地;聚精会神地

【写法指要】本文作者用平铺直叙的手法写了自己一次难忘的经历。文章从自己的表现、同学的反应、老师的神情,把事情的经过写得具体生动、活灵活现。具体生动的例子有“Somon mad facs and many crid out,‘Oh! What an ida!’”,“Th girl who sat bsid m kiddd m,‘Ar you afraid? Oh, you look a littl nrvous.’”,“Th tachr stood bsid m, smiling.”等等。 难忘的事:我第一次用英语作值日报告-My First nglish Duty Rport英语

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