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中国礼节(Chinese Etiquette)
更新时间:2024-04-25 02:15:19

在外国人的眼中,中国人的礼节有时是很令人费解的。让我们来看看外国人眼中的中国礼节:chins courtsis hav always bn formal to follow strict ruls, although somtims chins popl sm to b impolit according to wstrn norms in public placs. to wll undrstand chins, som concpts should not b ignord:尽管在西式标准的公共场合下,中国人有时似乎显得不够礼貌。但中国式的礼貌,却有它自己的严格规则。要更好的了解中国,下面的这些概念你就不该忽视:面子/mianzi (fac)th ida of sham, usually xprssd as 'fac' could b loosly dfind as th 'status' or 'slf-rspct' in chins and by no mans alin to forignrs. it is th worst thing for a chins to los fac. nvr insult, mbarrass, sham, yll at or othrwis dman a prson. sinc all ths actions would risk putting a chins in a situation that h might los fac. nithr try to prov somon wrong nor shout at him in public. in ordr to gt a succssful ffct without ltting a chins los fac, any criticism should b dlivrd privatly, discrtly and tactfully, or ls, just opposit to what you wish.羞耻这个概念,通常被表达为“面子”。在中文中大致的含义是“地位”或者“自尊”,这和外国人的观念并不相同。在中国,最糟糕的事莫过于失了面子。所以,千万不要对一个人进行侮辱、羞辱或者对其大吼,让其尴尬等。因为这样会让一个中国人感觉到失了面子。千万不要证明某人错了,或者在公共场合对其吼叫。为了能有效的传达意见而不让中国人丢了面子,任何的批评都应该私下传递,而且方式要巧妙而谨慎。否则,你将事与愿违。关系/guanxi (rlationships btwn popl)throughout much of chins history, th fundamntal glu that has hld socity togthr is th concpt of guanxi, rlationships btwn popl. it is vry important for th chins to hav good rlationships. thy oftn rgard good social rlations as a symbol of prsonal ability and influnc. somon who has no connctions would b dspisd and is only half-chins.纵贯中国的历史,一个维系社会的基本粘合剂就是关系这个概念,也就是人与人之间的关联。对中国人来说,有良好的关系是十分重要的。他们往往将拥有良好的社会关系看成是一个人能力和影响力的象征。一个毫无关系的人将会被轻视,而且最多只能算半个中国人。客气/kqikqi not only mans considrat, polit, and wll mannrd, but also rprsnts humblnss and modsty. it is impolit to b arrogant and brag about onslf or on's innr circl. th xprssion is most oftn usd in th ngativ, as in buyao kqi, maning "you shouldn't b so kind and polit to m," or "you'r wlcom."客气并不只是包含考虑周详、礼貌文雅和举止端详,还表现在谦逊和谨慎。对自己或者自己的圈内人表达的傲慢或者自夸都是不礼貌的。表达的时候,通常要以否定的形式,比如“不要客气”,意思是说“你不必对我这么关心、礼貌”或“不用谢”。bsids, chins sldom xprss what thy think dirctly and thy prfr a roundabout way. nithr show thir motions and flings in public. thy rarly grt popl with a handshak, though it is vry popular among forignrs, say nothing of mbracing or kissing whn grting or saying good-by. consquntly, it is bttr not to bhav too carfr in public, vn though you ar wll-intntiond. also, it is advisabl to b fairly cautious in political discussions. do not particularly push yourslf forward, or ls you ar unwlcom.此外,中国人很少直接表达自己的想法,而喜欢用侧敲旁击的方式。从不在公共场合表现自己的情绪或者感觉。尽管在西方握手的见面礼非常普遍,但在中国这样做的人还不是很多,更不用说见面和道别时的拥抱和亲吻了。因此,即使你是出于好意,在公共场合也不要表现的太自由自在。同样,在政治话题上保持相对慎重也是明智的。不要太特立独行,否则你将会是不受欢迎的。to sum up, do in rom as rom dos, but you nd not worry about ths cultural barrirs sinc most chins ar hospitabl and amiabl and will not mind your nonproficincy.总之,入乡随俗,但你也不必对这些文化障碍担心,因为大多数中国人都是好客和和蔼的,他们不会介意你的不熟悉。

中国礼节(Chinese Etiquette)


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